2020 Navy SLRP Benefits - Navy Student Loan Repayment Program | FSLD (2024)

Will Navy SLRP Come Back in 2019?

Unfortunately, even with the ascension of military-friendly President Donald Trump, it appears that the Navy’s Student Loan Repayment Program remains on permanent hiatus.

I only see two possibilities for this program’s return:

  1. It’s possible that President Trump’s Student Loan Debt Plan will include significant expansion of Military Loan Forgiveness Benefits
  2. Another massive war gets going and the Navy is forced to ramp up recruiting benefits in order to fill seats quickly enough to cover their need for additional personnel (let’s hope it doesn’t come to this…)

Either way, as of now, the Navy’s Student Loan Repayment Program remains unfunded, and I haven’t seen any indication that it’ll be returning any time soon, so this page is basically a tombstone to represent what used to be one of the best available Federal Student Loan Forgiveness Programs.

What Should You Do With Your Loans?

Just because the NAVY SLRP Program was cancelled doesn’t mean you’re completely out of luck, as there are still tons of programs offering Federal Student Loan Relief.

In fact, there are even several ways to Get Help with Private Student Loan Debt, as long as you know where to look for assistance!

From the many Federal Forgiveness Programs, to Borrowers Defense Against Repayment Letters and Bankruptcy Discharges, you’ve got all sorts of options when it comes to reducing or eliminating your outstanding student loans, and this site seeks to guide you through that process.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to do all the research yourself, then you may want to simply hire an expert to deal with your student loans for you.

Get Help With Your Loans!

If you're truly struggling with student loan debt, then you should consider paying a Student Loan Debt Relief Agency for help. Why? Because the people working at these companies deal with student loans all day, every day, and they're your best chance at figuring out how to get your loans back under control.

For help with Federal Student Loans call the Student Loan Relief Helpline at 1-888-906-3065. They will review your case, evaluate your options for switching repayment plans, consolidating your loans, or pursuing forgiveness benefits, then set you up to get rid of the debt as quickly as possible.

For help with Private Student Loans call McCarthy Law PLC at 1-877-317-0455. McCarthy Law will negotiate with your lender to settle your private loans for much less than you currently owe (typically 40%), then get you a new loan for the lower, settled amount so you can pay off the old loan, repair your credit and reduce your monthly payments.

I've spent 10 years interviewing debt relief agencies, talking to all sorts of "experts", and these are the only two companies that I trust to help my readers. If you have a bad experience with either of them, please make sure to come back and let me know about it in the Comments!

Navy CLRP Benefits

[Editor’s Note: The text below no longer applies. As of July 1st, 2015, the Navy has withdrawn their support of Navy SLRP. There’s no telling when, or even if, this program will come back, but I’m watching developments closely and will update this page as soon as I have additional details.]

The Navy College Loan Repayment Program continues to offer up to $65,000 in student loan repayment benefits for eligible Navy personnel, but these funds are being restricted to an even smaller pool of eligible candidates than ever before.

If you’re buried in student loan debt, then the Navy loan repayment program provides a fantastic opportunity to reduce your financial liabilities, but you’ll need to be extremely cautious about joining up just to get your loans discharged, because eligibility conditions just keep getting more difficult to satisfy.

The Navy CLPR Program is one of the best Military College Loan Repayment Programs available, but it’s only available to new enlistees. Loan repayment benefits are offered to enlistees joining the regular service as Active Duty personnel, or to those joining the Navy Reserves, but only if they’re first-time enlistees with no prior military service.

Navy CLRP benefits are first made available once enlistees have completed their first year of active duty service, finished basic training, and completed all of their required on-job training for their specific Navy occupation.

Eligibility Criteria

Qualifying for the Navy student loan repayment program isn’t all that difficult, but you do have to satisfy specific eligibility criteria in order to begin receiving loan repayment program benefits. If you want to receive Navy student loan repayment benefits, you must:

  • Request to participate in the Navy CLRP program while enlisting in the Navy for the first time (Navy reserves enlistees can have prior service and still qualify)
  • Make sure that your participation in the CLRP program is spelled out in writing on your enlistment contract
  • Decline to enroll in the Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits program (though, a section below explains how you can qualify for both benefits programs)
  • If joining Navy active duty, you must enlist for a minimum period of at least four years
  • If joining the Navy reserves, you must enlist for a minimum period of at least six years
  • Have student loan debt that meets the eligibility guidelines featured below
  • You must have a rating (mission or job) that’s been deemed eligible for the Student Loan Repayment Program

NOTE:The third bullet point above is extremely important. If you ever plan on returning to college, then you will need to pay close attention to this next little bit.

To qualify for both the Navy student loan repayment program and the Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits program, you will need to enlist for an extended service contract.

If you do not enlist for at least 6 years, your participation in the Navy CLRP program will require that you give up eligibility to receive Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.

Since those benefits stand to provide you with tens of thousands of dollars, you will need to give this some serious thought before determining the best course of action.

Loan Repayments

If you meet all of the eligibility criteria outlined above, you can begin receiving college loan repayment benefits by:

  • Completing your first year in the Navy active duty, or Navy reserves
  • Finished basic training
  • Completed all of the required on-job training for your specific Military Occupational Specialty (your job in the Navy)

Qualifying Loans

Only Title IV student loans are eligible for participation in the Navy student loan repayment program. These loans include:

  • Stafford Student Loans (GSLs)
  • Perkins Loans
  • Federally Insured Student Loans (FISLs)
  • Supplemental Loans for Students (SLSs)
  • Parents Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS loans)
  • Consolidated Loan Program Loans

Credit-based loans and loans from private banks will not be eligible for participation in the Navy CLRP program, which is a major drawback considering that a huge contingency of those attending college are financing their education with private loans.

Some examples of loans that are not eligible for the Navy college loan repayment program include:Signature Loans, Private Loans, Alternative Loans and anything else not listed above.

If you aren’t sure whether or not your loan qualifies for participation, please contact your lender and ask them if you have a Title IV loan. If you do not, then you cannot receive these benefits, even if you satisfy all of the other eligibility requirements.

If your student loan debt does not qualify for participating in this program, then make sure you explain that to your Navy recruiter to see if he can offer you participation in any other Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Programs. There may or may not be other options available to you.

Navy LRP Rates

Navy college loan repayment schedules are different for those serving in Navy active positions and those serving in the Navy reserves. Here’s the breakdown of how much money you’ll receive based on your service status:

Navy CLRP Rates for Active Duty Sailors

Active duty sailors will have 33.3% of the outstanding principal balance, or $1,500 (whichever is greater) of their loans repaid for each year of service that they complete.

Navy CLRP Rates for Navy Reserves

Navy reserves sailors will have 15% of the outstanding principal balance, or $1,500 (whichever is greater) of their loans repaid for each year of service that they complete.

Which Ratings are Eligible?

As of February 1st, 2014, Navy SLRP was restricted and is now only eligible to the following ratings:

  • Musician
  • Hospital Corpsman (HM-SG)
  • Cryptologic Technician – Interpretive (CTI – Advanced Technical Field (ATF))
  • Cryptologic Technician (Maintenance)
  • Cryptologic Technician (Networks)
  • Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
  • Information Systems Technician
  • Special Warfare Operator (SEAL)

Until further notice, all other ratings will no longer be eligible for Navy SLRP.

Will My Loan’s Interest be Repaid Too?

The short answer is a flat-out “no”. Interest that accrues on your student loan debt is not eligible to be repaid as part of the Navy CLRP program. Even interest that has been re-capitalized into principal isn’t eligible for receiving repayment.

This is a major flaw to the program, and one that has caused a torrent of complaints across the Internet, but it’s not one that is likely to be fixed at any point in the near future.

Does Navy CLRP Offer Deferment or Forbearance Benefits?

While the program itself doesn’t offer any loan deferment or forbearance benefits, many lenders do offer deferment and forbearance benefits for for borrowers who are deployed on active duty service, and some offer the same benefits for a variety of other reasons.

To find out if you qualify for a loan deferment or loan forbearance program, you will need to contact your lender and make an official request to receive deferment or forbearance.

Do Navy CLRP Benefits Count as Taxable Income?

Unfortunately, yes, your Navy loan repayment program benefits do count as taxable income, and they will need to be included on your annual tax returns.

While you will receive a separate W-2 to document your CLRP benefits on your annual tax returns, the Government will take care of paying the tax liabilities you generate from receiving CLRP by withholding 28% of what they would have paid your lender each year and sending that money instead to the IRS.

Navy CLRP Benefits & The Post 9/11 GI Bill

As we mentioned above, you will not be able to participate in both the Navy Student Loan Repayment Program and the Post 9/11 GI Bill by completing a single enlistment period of 4 years.

To qualify for both Navy CLRP benefits and 100% of your Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits, you must serve a full six years either through extension or reenlistment of your service contract. If you end up serving less than the full six years, then your VA benefits will end up being prorated based on the total amount of active duty service that you completed.

To get additional information on this part of the program, contact your VA Representative at PERS 314 by calling (901) 874-4258.

As a Participant in CLRP, What are My Responsibilities?

The Navy’s official student loan repayment program document (see it here) states that even though they are making loan repayments for you, that you need to keep in mind that they will never actually assume responsibility for your loans.

As such, even once you’ve been enrolled in the program and have begun to receive loan repayment benefits, you need to make sure that your loan remains in good standing, since the Navy will not pay for any loans that are in default.

How do I Officially Apply to the Program?

Once you’ve satisfied all the eligibility criteria, you will need to complete the following six documents and get them scanned into a single .pdf document delivered via email to cnrc_lrp-eb@navy.mil.

Your MEPS classifier or Navy Recruiter will be responsible for submitting these documents the LRP Manager, but you will have to do quite a bit of work preparing the documents for them first.

Six documents you will need to apply:

  1. A copy of your completed Loan Repayment Program Worksheet (Revised August 2011) signed by yourself and your MEPS classifier
  2. A copy of your completed Enlistment Guarantee (NAVCRUIT 1133/52 Revised April 2012) with Loan Repayment Program listed as a guarantee and signed by both yourself and your MEPS classifier
  3. A copy of your completed Statement of Understanding (SOU) (NAVCRUIT 1133/75 Revised April 2012) signed by both yourself and your Navy Recruiter
  4. A copy of your completed PRIDE system LRP text file signed by both yourself and the your MEPS classifier
  5. A copy of your completed DD Form 2475 (Revised January 2012), filled out by the lender for each student loan you have
  6. A copy of your lender’s promissory note for each eligible student loan you have

The only part of this process that really requires additional explanation is completing DD Form 2475. To get this one ready for submission, you’ll need to complete each of the following 4 parts:

  • DD Form 2475 – Part 1 – You (the Sailor) are responsible for filling this part out and having it signed by someone in your Chain of Command
  • DD Form 2475 – Part 2 – Self Explanatory
  • DD Form 2475 – Part 3 – You are responsible for filling this part out, and calling your lender for assistance if you have any questions about how to complete it
  • DD Form 2475 – Part 4 – Your lender needs to fill this part out. They will then return the form to the address you have listed in Part 1 Block 1(a)

Make sure that your lender emails the completed DD 2475 form to cnrc_lrp-eb@navy.miland requests email confirmation of its receipt.

The Navy specifically states that phone confirmations are not effective because they want to have everything in writing in case something goes awry.

To begin issuing repayments on your behalf, NRC must be able to match your Enlistment Guarantees (Annex to DD 4/NAVCRUIT 1133-52), the Statement of Understanding (NAVCRUIT 1133-75), the Promissory Notes with your name as the borrower, and the completed DD 2475.

How Long do I Have to Submit My Application?

You need to submit your Navy LRP application paperwork within 60 days of entering into the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).

You should find out whether or not your submitted forms have been approved or rejected within 3 working days of their submission. If your forms are rejected, you will need to submit another complete and corrected package of forms.

We suggest submitting your completed application at least 10 or so working days before your deadline, just in case there are problems with your paperwork.

If you submitted your completed paperwork more than three working days ago and haven’t received a rejection or approval notice in the PRIDE system yet, then all (901) 874-9283 for an update.

If you have been entered in DEP for more than 60 days, or are within 70 days of ship date, you will need to request that an Exception to Policy (ETP) (NAVCRUIT 1133/103 Rev. February, 2010) form is completed and signed by the Commanding Officer of your Recruiting Station.

This form will need to be included with the other forms you’re required to submit to complete the applications process.

How Can I Find Out Who My Lender Is?

If you don’t know who holds your student loan, then you’ll need to request assistance from the U.S. Department of Education so that you can obtain copies of your promissory notes (official loan paperwork).

To speak with them, please call 1-800-433-3243 or visit their website at www.nslds.ed.gov.

What Happens if I Fail to Satisfy My Enlistment Obligation?

Should you fail to satisfy your enlistment obligation, you will be forced to forfeit eligibility for receiving Navy CLRP benefits.

There are only a few cases in which you can separate from the service without having completed your initial service contract and still be eligible to receive loan repayment benefits; they include separating early, but having already completed an entire year on active duty, and separating for one of the following reasons:

  • Physical Disability
  • Hardship
  • Convenience of the Government Discharges (like enrolling in Officer’s Candidate’s School or a Service Academy)

If you do end up separating early, you will need to provide NRC with a copy of your discharge paperwork (DD Form 214) so that they can review it and determine whether or not you will be eligible to receive continued prorated repayment benefits.

Will I Lose My Benefits For Accepting an Officer Program?

Unfortunately, you will have to sacrifice future Navy CLRP benefits if you accept an Officer program. The way this works is that you can only receive benefits based on the number of years you’ve completed for your service agreement.

If you completed two years, but then enrolled in an Officer program during your third year of duty, then you would only receive two years worth of benefits.

Fortunately, you will not have to repay any of the benefits you had already received if you are promoted to Officer status.

Will I Have to Repay Benefits I Received For Being Discharged?

Fortunately, you will not have to repay any of the benefits you had already received even if you separate from Active Duty before completing your service obligation.

Your maximum student loan repayment benefit will be calculated based on the last day of active duty stated on your DD 214, and you might be eligible to receive pro-rated benefits based on the number of days you completed during your last year of eligible service.

What Should I Do if My Lender Doesn’t Receive Payments?

If something goes wrong in the process and your lender hasn’t received any CLRP payments after 75 days, then you need to send the DFAS Account Department a signed fax (send it to them at (216) 522-5898) stating that your lender did not receive the check that DFAS sent on whatever date it was distributed. Include the following information in your fax to DFAS:

  1. Amount Sent to Lender (Calculated by taking the Payment Amount and subtracting Federal & State Taxes)
  2. Check Number
  3. Voucher Number

To get this information, you will need to contact an official LRP Program Manager. Call them at (901) 874-9283 for the details.

How Can I Drop Out of the CLRP Program?

Sailors That Have Not Yet Attended Boot Camp:

If, for any reason, you decide to drop out of NAVY CLRP before you have gone to boot camp, you will need to formally request disenrollment from your MEPS qualifier using a disenrollment form.

Sailors That Are Already On Active Duty:

If you’re already serving on active duty and have CLRP as a guarantee in your service contract, you will need to disenroll after receiving your final loan repayment, when you leave the Navy, if you become a commissioned officer, or if you want to switch to the Post 9/11 GI Bill before completing your first duty assignment. To do this, contact NRC at (901) 874-9283 or via email at cnrc_lrp-eb@navy.mil.

Where Can I Ask Questions About CLRP Benefits?

If we haven’t already answered all of your questions, please send any further inquiries to the Navy Recruiting Command. Visit their FAQ page here, and if your question is not listed there, then try contacting them via this email address:cnrc_lrp-eb@navy.milor by calling (901) 874-9283.

Other Military Benefits Programs

For questions about other military benefits packages, make sure to view our Guide to Education Benefits for Military Personnel, where you’ll find out how to save tens of thousands of dollars on future education costs.

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Disclaimer:Information obtained from Forget Student Loan Debt is for educational purposes only. You should consult a licensed financial professional before making any financial decisions. This site receives some compensation through affiliate relationships. This site is not endorsed or affiliated with the U.S. Department of Education.

2020 Navy SLRP Benefits - Navy Student Loan Repayment Program | FSLD (22)

By:Tim Marshall

Tim's experience struggling with crushing student loan debt led him to create the website Forget Student Loan Debt in 2011, where he offers advice, tips and tricks for paying off student loans as quickly and affordably as possible.

2020 Navy SLRP Benefits - Navy Student Loan Repayment Program | FSLD (2024)


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