Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (2024)

A good magician never reveals his secrets and that is true... But I'll be sharing loads of secrets, tips, tricks, and insights on this Minecraft Mod called Electroblob's Wizardry.

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (1)

So, Mod Showcases have always been fun whether it's a mod from 1.7.10 or a mod from 1.16.5. We all thrive to learn something new or learn the mod we know in-depth, right? Plus it's a very good way to know what to expect in your normal survival world. Well, today we're gonna be taking a look at a 1.12.2 Minecraft mod called "Electroblob's Wizardry"


Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (2)

Electroblob's Wizardry is a mod that connects styles of RPG and Magic together changing the whole experience and gameplay of Minecraft completely. With its wizards, wands, new structures, over 100 spell books, and scrolls, it makes it so worth it to dive further and reach its full potential. So, if you're trying roleplay or re-create Hogwarts or The Sorcerer's Apprentice well, yeah you can do it just fine using this mod.



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Type of Wizards and their magic are broken down into different elements!

There are good wizards and corrupt wizards. And they fight each other when placed in the same room together.
Now there are different levels of magic as well. They're broken down into four parts. Novice. Apprentice. Master. And advanced.


When the player starts out, the first thing that they'll need is Magic Crystals. They can be obtained by mining crystal ores in caves.

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (10)

They are found at about the same level, as iron is found at.

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And you definitely need to have an iron pickaxe for that. But if you don't like mining, or spending too much time in caves, then you can find crystals another way as well. They can be easily obtained by finding Crystal Flowers. Now Crystal Flowers can be found, almost anywhere, however, they spawn more in the plains and mountains. Once picked up, one can put that in the survival crafting table and get 2 Magic Crystals for each flower.

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Magic Crystals are very crucial if you want to maintain your practice of magic. Think of it as the life your magic depends on. Now, this mod also adds a guidebook to help you as well. It's called the Wizard's Handbook. And you can craft it with one book, and one magic crystal. Now the Wizard's Handbook is super useful for beginners who want to work themselves around the mod.

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (13)

It tells you all sorts of general things that we'll be covering here. And as you can see, you'll need a gold nugget, a stick, and a magic crystal to make a wand.


Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (14)

When a brand new player crafts a wand, the tier of their wand naturally becomes a novice, as a player's a novice wizard in a new world. Now that you've got your Magic Crystals, your handbook, and your wand, what's next?

What's next is that you'll have to craft an Arcane Workbench. It looks like an enchantment table and it can be used to upgrade, charge and bind spells to your wand.

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And now to bind spells onto your wand, simply right-click on your arcane workbench and put your wand in the central slot. After you do this, you'll see five more slots appear around it.

Here you can bind your spells onto your wand, by using scroll books. And scroll books can be found in dungeons, and structures but are most commonly traded by wizards!
Spellbooks can't be crafted except for one, called Magic Missile. This is considered your first spell.

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Once you make this spellbook, you can bind it to your wand in the Arcane Workbench, by placing the spellbook in any of the slots. And when you bind spell books to wands, you'll see that the spellbook won't disappear, thus making it greater for you to reuse the book and bind the spell to another wand later on!

To use spells, simply right-click while holding your wand. But if you try to do so now, your spell might not work. It's because, of your wand's durability. However, it is not durability, it's the power of the wand, called Mana.


Mana like in another other wizard mod is the energy used to power up magical elements, in this case, your wand.

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If you observe closely, you'll see that a Novice Magic Wand has 700 Mana. An Apprentice Magic Wand has 1000 Mana. an Advanced Wand has 1500 Mana, while a Master Wand has 2500 Mana. I'm pretty sure you get the point.
When you get your wand from the creative inventory, your wand's mana will be full. But when you use the wand in your survival, your mana will decrease as it normally should.

So, the question is… how do you refill it?
And the answer is with Magic Crystals.

Right-click on your Arcane Workbench and place your wand in the central slot. Then put some magic crystals into the corner slot, right here. 100 mana will be restored per crystal. There is another way to refill mana and I'll talk about that soon.

Once you've got your wand's mana refilled, it's time to check out the spell that you've bound.

Like I said, you can right-click either at a mob or in the air, for certain spells while holding your wand. Some spells may vary, however. Some might have a cooldown before you can use that spell again. Some might have you hold right-click for your desired amount of time.

Now if you have multiple spells bound to your wand, you can scroll through spells using the keys "B" and "N".

But what if you haven't got an Arcane Workbench with you at the moment and you want to refill your mana.
Or worst-case scenario, you're fighting mobs and all you have is your wand, but then your mana runs out!
You'll surely be dead and lose all your items.

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And that is why there's such a thing as a mana flask! As a matter of fact, there are three types of mana flasks. A small flask, a medium flask, and a large flask. Each flask refills different amounts of mana. So I recommend carrying around five flasks or more around with you. And to refill mana into your wand, just put your wand and the flask in the crafting table.

So, now you know how to use your wand. You know what mana is and how you can refill it. From here on, you can live by the things I've shown you in this wizardry mod but there's so much more here. Let's take a look at what I mean.


Other than spell books, there are also scrolls. They work the same way as spell books do and have the same number and variety of spells, however, you can't bind them to wands. You use them by right-clicking on them. And they have a one-time usage as well.

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Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (20)

Now you find spellbooks or scrolls, in structures, like dungeons, mineshafts, or structures in survival mode, you won't see any name on the books or scrolls unless you've used them before. For new books and scrolls, you'll see jibberish, or what the mod calls, Ancient Runes. Now you can bind the spell to your wand. However, you won't be able to see what type of spell it is or what the spell does, even though you right-click it.

And I don't recommend binding this spell to your wand at all. Or, using scrolls with unknown names. Because what if the scroll is a fire spell and you're trying it out on your wooden base? Although some spellbooks can be easily discovered this way, Scrolls and spellbooks if used this way can cause some serious damage and bodily harm.

For if for some reason, you find out that the spells that you've discovered aren't doing what it's supposed to do, then it's the mod as well. Just as real life goes, practice takes time. And once you cast the spell over and over again going through lots of Trials and Errors, you'll finally get the spell going the way you want it to!

So how do you know what your spellbooks do? How do you discover them without having to go through disasters? The answer is, with scrolls of identification. They can be traded with wizards, or found in structures. And once you have the scroll of identification and you use it. You'll be able to discover a spell. One spell per scroll.


Now leaving spells aside, let's take a look at wand upgrades. Just as the name says, a wand upgrade will level up your wand. You'll find wand upgrades in most structures. And there are 9 upgrades in total, however, you'll only be able to assign 3 upgrades per wand.

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (21)

  1. Wand Storage Upgrade
  2. Wand Siphon Upgrade
  3. Wand Condenser Upgrade
  4. Wand Range Upgrade
  5. Wand Duration Upgrade
  6. Wand Cooldown Upgrade
  7. Wand Blast Upgrade
  8. Wand Attunement Upgrade
  9. Wand Melee Upgrade

Let's take a brief look at what they can do!

The first one here is a Wand Storage Upgrade. It upgrades the mana capacity of a wand. Here I have a normal novice wand. Put the Wand Storage Upgrade in the top-right corner slot of the workbench. Then apply the changes.

The mana of a novice wand is 700 but it's now 805. Even though this is a novice wand, you have lots more mana than before and that's pretty awesome!

The second one is a Wand Siphon Upgrade which upgrades the wand to extract mana from mobs when killed. And yeah, it's super useful but it's effective you've killed loads of mobs.

The third one here is a Wand Condenser Upgrade. It upgrades the wand to slowly regenerate mana over time. This is a good upgrade if you don't do much fighting. But if you do, then crafting mana flasks, or carrying around an Arcane Workbench and magic crystals, is a must.

The fourth one we have is a Wand Range Upgrade. This is one of my personal favorites. And it's just the best for of course expanding range lines of fire for different spells.

Now the fifth one is Wand Duration Upgrade. It upgrades the duration of effects cast by a wand. This means that you'll do further damage to mobs that you cast spells on!

Let's move on to the sixth one. Here we have the Wand Cooldown Upgrade. Like I said before, different spells on different levels have different ways of casting. And some spells have cooldowns. Some fast and some really slow. Having this upgrade will help most of the cooldowns become fast.

So here we are with the seventh upgrade. It's called the Wand Blast Upgrade. It upgrades the area of effect of spells cast by a wand. Or in other words, it increases the volume range of spells. This is really useful if you want to attack multiple mobs in the same range.

And now we have the eighth upgrade and you'll love it! It's called the Wand Attunement Upgrade. Once applied to your wand no matter what level it's in, one more spell slot will appear. Which gives you the upper hand to bind one more spell. You could do this over and over again as a matter of fact. And new slots will be added, however, there is a limit. You can only have eight slots meaning eight spells bound to your wand.

And last but not least, we have the ninth upgrade. And it's called the Wand Melee Upgrade. I have two wands. And they have no spells in them. However, one has the wand melee upgrade applied. And as you can see. There's a big difference between the two wands. If I spawn a spider and hit it not cast a spell, with my normal wand, it's the same thing as hitting it with our hands. But if I do it with the upgraded wand, you'll see some magic sparks and with only a few hits, the spider will die.


And there, we've gone over wand upgrades as well to upgrade your magic performance. But say you want to level up your wand to different tiers. Like Novice to Apprentice. Apprentice to Advanced. And so on. That'll be easily achieved but you'll need this.

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It's a book called Tome of Arcana. And there are three books to level up your wand. They all have the same names but they level up different wands. The first one upgrades novice to apprentice. The second upgrades apprentice to advanced. And the third upgrade advanced to master. So you need to have the first book to progress on the others.

And to level up your wand, you'll have to place the books in the upgrade slots like you normally would and then apply the changes!


Now that we've gone over upgrading wands with upgrades and arcana, let's take a look at wizard armor.

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Not only is wizard armor look really nice and adds to the vibe, but it is also really effective when casting spells. To craft your regular wizard armor, you'll need something called magical silk. And it's by the far the easiest to craft.

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All you need is string and magic crystals. Then once you have enough magical silk, you'll be able to craft your wizard armor, just like you would when you make iron armor. Now, these are your pretty standard wizard robes. And they don't belong to any element, like a storm, fire, earth, and so on.

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But if you want to make those robes, to increase your performance with casting related element spells, then you'll find an imbuement altar. They can't be crafted but can be found in library-like structures in jungles or caves. And once you find one, then be aware, not to break it because it is unpickable and unbreakable

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (26)

Now that you've found one, you need to make receptacles. Its recipe looks like this. And it basically looks like a goblet. Now what you want to do is, to place them around the altar. Well, sneak and right-click on the sides of the altar and you'll see the goblets connect.

To power up the altar, you'll need spectral dust. There are 7 types of spectral dust and you'll find these around in chests, structures, and dungeons but mostly by killing remnants. You can find remnants, in structures like these. There's usually a mob spawner with a chest underneath. And these remnants do attack, but they are pretty easy to take down. And their colors also tell what type of spectral dust they'll drop. And once you find the type of dust you want. Place it in the goblets like so.

Then, place your wizard armor here. Soon enough, you should see that your robes have changed into the element that you want from the dust that you put in the goblets.

Likewise, you can make your element wand as well. Place your magic crystal on the altar and put the dust in the goblets. And once the process completes, your magic crystal will have transformed. You can use this magic crystal to make another magic wand of that same element. Pretty neat, right?

Now, that we've got that out of the way, let's finish off this mod showcase by taking a look at the other additional blocks that I've left out.

Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (27)

First of all, let's take a look at the stone of transportation. You can craft it like this. To use it, place one stone on the ground and right-click on it with your wand. A guide will show up on the ground, to help you place the other seven stones. It will only work if you have a wand, and the teleportation spellbound to it. Now once you've got the stones set, right-click on them with your wand. If you go a distance away and cast your teleportation spell, you'll be transported back. And this is a really handy tool if you haven't got waypoints or a journey map.

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The next blocks to show are what you call runestones. Runestone, as far as I know, hasn't got use in the mod. They are used purely for decoration and to make structures look good! They are easy to craft as well and you could use these in your future builds.

The next building block is about the same. It's called Gilded Wood. There are different varieties of them. They can make your buildings look wizard worthy, or you can use them to craft specific items.

Like a lectern, and a bookshelf. Let's leave the lectern for now, and move on to the bookshelves.

This is their crafting recipe which involves gilded wood and a grand magic crystal.

They look like this when placed. And their textures make them look empty with 3D depth. Not only are they just a block but they function just like normal shelves would.

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Place a couple of spellbooks in there and you can see that they get displayed. This also works fine with normal books, enchantment books, a book, quill, and scrolls. And there is another way to use bookshelves so conveniently and we'll take a look at it in just a moment!

Now, let's for a while take a look at the lectern. A lectern can be crafted pretty simply if you've got your basic items. Once you craft it and place it down, it looks super epic but you might get a little confused about how you might be able to use it.

And that is why I'm going to be showing you the perfect setup for your wizard tower.

So I made this wizard tower and I really liked the vibe. Let's check out how we can make it more efficient.

Now, I've sped the clip up. Let me show you what I've done. I've placed my bookshelves here with random spellbooks and scrolls. Then I've got my arcane workbench over here with my magic wand inside. And right next to it, I've got a lectern. It looks really hip and all but here's where the real magic happens.

If I check my arcane workbench, you'll see something different. We have our spell books here. That is because our shelf is right near our workbench and we can take the spell and bind it to our wand as much as we wish! Let's take a look at the Lectern.

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As you can see, it lists all the scrolls and spells that are on the shelves. We can click on them and check what they can do and we can also go back and check the other spells. But what's even more fascinating is that, if we click this button. The map marker. This mod will indicate where the spellbook or scroll is! And this is super useful if you want to take a spellbook out for some reason or reposition it!

Alright, so now the things that we'll be taking a look at now are these things here, called bombs.

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There's a firebomb. Poison bomb. Smoke Bomb. And Spark bomb. These crafting recipes are really basics and you can craft them really easily.

The poison bomb when thrown gives the nearby entities poison. The firebomb sets entities alight. The smoke bomb makes your enemies temporarily blind. And the spark bomb electrocutes nearby entities when thrown at the ground

These bombs would be really useful for quick getaways. It's kinda like using the scrolls, cause it's one-time use. Don't you think?

Now let's take a look at an item called a ruined spellbook. You can find them in mineshafts and generated structures. Now you can't right-click on it because there's no magic left. However, you can use it, if you use an imbuement altar. Place the ruined spellbook on the altar and then put in some spectral dust. The type of dust you put in will change the type of spell you put in. Like if I put in the red spectral dust, then I'll get a fire spell. Likewise for the rest. If I put in each type of dust, then I could get any type of spell.

And if you see for some reason that you aren't getting any epic spells, and are just a novice. Well, that either means that you need to have enough XP, enough experience, or get yourself used to magic.

And after the ruined spellbook, we have blank scrolls. Blank scrolls are indeed craftable. Here's their crafting recipe. With blank scrolls, you can assign a spell using a spellbook in the arcane workbench. These scrolls, like usual will be for one-time use only. So use it wisely.

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The next things we'll be looking at are these items. Now as you know, there are different robes for different elements. But there are also different types of robes for different elements as well.

And these items can help to make them!

The first item we have is what you call a resplendent thread. It'll help you to upgrade your wizarding armor to sage robes! The way you use it is that you put in your robes in the arcane workbench, then you place the thread in the upgrade slot and there you've got sage robes!

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Likewise, you can do that for crystal silver plating as well, to upgrade normal robes to battlemage robes!

And then there are crystalweaves to turn your normal robes into warlock armor. They can be found in dungeons and structures, so make sure you do a lot of exploring.

And here comes the last item that I'll be showing you now. It's what you call an Astral Diamond. Astral Diamonds are valuable to trade with wizards for advanced learning spells. You can find these diamonds, again in structures, like mineshafts and dungeons.

So, that brings us to that the end of this mod showcase for now. I've covered most of the mobs, structures, and armor. However, I'll be doing another part of this showcase. And if not one part, then two parts on this mod. The other half of this mod requires another mod called Baubles to let you wear amulets and rings. So we'll be covering that in next time. Later, I'll also be covering every single elemental spell and I know it's gonna be a blast. So if you found this mod showcase super useful then share it with your friends!

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Electroblob's Wizardry Mod Showcase [1.12.2] Minecraft Blog (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.