Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (2024)

August 20, 2014Fishing,Wizard101

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Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (1)

When Wizard101 first released fishing, I was extremely excited. And I demonstrated that by publishing three large guides involving fishing, and have taken and interest ever since. However, their wording upon release had me wondering what they left out of this update that might one day be a part of our fishing experience.

Qualifying the Images

Just how accurate are all of these doodles? Aren't they just random images to look cool in a given space? As easy as they might be to dismiss, it's important that we take into account what we've learned from them so far.

Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (2)Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (3)

Let's first consider this fishing doodle with both the male and female wizards. They're both fishing, and the male wizard is pulling a chest out of the water - we know that this is possible based on experience. But there's one with even more compelling evidence - the female "tower" image.

She's looking down into the water, where we see four fish. These are the Codfather, Grape Jellyfish, Doodlefish, and Tongue Fish. (For a full list of fish, click HERE.)

In another guide, the Epic Fishing Hunting post (HERE), I talk about the doodles on the aquarium interface, all of which we saw before they were known fish, and one of which is confirmed by Wizard101 Senior Software Engineer Gary Smith to exist but not be in-game yet.

If that doesn't tell us that the doodles are accurate, I'm not sure what does. These are most certainly something from which we can draw knowledge, perhaps even some we don't already have, and I intend to back it up with the way the update notes read - a proven sign of things to come.

Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (4)

One Fish, Two Fish

If you look on the right, male "tower" image, you see that he's dropped a line into the water with four lures. One could argue that each lure looks a little different and perhaps represents a different rank of lure, but that could just be me. What I see is a panel not with different species like the female one, but with different sizes. The first two are just normal fish. Perhaps some combination of Small Fry, Keeper, and Whopper.

Then there are two others. One of the most noticeable differences is their "evil" eyes. If they were simply larger fish, they'd have the regular eyes, right? This large, purple fish and the green one below it must be something we've not seen. Perhaps, if the lure theory is correct, they'll be introduced with rank three and four lures and fish.

Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (5)

Hints in the Update Notes

One phrase that immediately stuck out to me in the notes was, "There's more than just fish in the lakes and rivers of the Spiral..." I took this immediately, especially in combination with the male fishing image, to mean that there's be some sort of creatures we encounter outside of fish.

Maybe it'll be some huge fish, and maybe something we don't know so much about, as represented by the large green beast we see only a mouth for at the bottom. Most people believe the phrase is referring to chests, but it sounds a little bit more ominous to me than that.

The Final Clue

The doodles aren't quite finished giving us information. There was one in particular that stood out, and that's the longer one with a male character collecting some sort of potion and a very suspicious eye-plant-deal peeking at the curious wizard.

Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (6)

This, to me, has nothing to do with fishing. Why would the wizard be collecting an elixir, and why would some strange beast be in the pond? Well, I've only seen some weird water in a few places, and the first one that comes to mind is Avalon. You've got purple water in The Wyrd, the Lake Shore, etc.

What if, when fishing expands to the next few worlds (see some of my predictions and interesting trends HERE), there are strange beasts in these tainted waters? Suppose that the wizard isn't collecting any fluid, but is instead using an elixir to purify the pond, hence why the purple is changing to blue. That's why we see the fading purple and suspicious creature.

The final question I'd have is this - will we ever interact with these creatures? Will it be possible to catch them before using the purifying elixir? Or will interaction with these unknown beats have some effect that we'd all rather avoid? What do you think?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

Wizard101's Fishing: The Missing Pieces (2024)


How to get fishing rod in wizard101? ›

Players who are at least level 7 can speak to Lucky Hookline in the Wizard City Commons. He's easy to spot - he's a Pelican with a fishing pole! He will teach you all you need to know about Fishing and give you the quest "A River Runs Through It". If you want to fish, you have to go where the fish are!

Where can I buy fishing spells in Wizard101? ›

Vendor Locations
  • Lucky Hookline. The Commons, Wizard City.
  • Haarek Silverscale. Northguard, Grizzleheim.
  • Frode Silverscale. Northguard, Grizzleheim.
  • Yuri Smokesnare. The Antheneum, Dragonspyre.
  • Timor Flamecaster. The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre.
  • Ryoshi. The Jade Palace, Mooshu.
  • Wren Waterman. Caer Lyon, Avalon.
  • Alejandro de la Paz.
Sep 10, 2023

What is the trick to fish tables? ›

🎯 Aim for the Head

In most fish table games, aiming for the head of the fish is a great strategy. Why? Because it kills them faster. To get good at this, it's recommended you play the “demo” version of your chosen fish shooting game first so that you can practice shooting at the heads of the fish.

How do you fish the method? ›

The key to catching well on the Method is to gradually build up a small bed of feed in one spot and get the fish feeding right on top of it. This way, bites will be quicker in coming than if you cast all over the place. If you cast and the feeder lands in the wrong place, wind in and cast again.

How do you get fishing luck in Wizard101? ›

Re: [Guide] Wizard101 Fishing Luck Remastered - FinalB

A while ago on a KI Live, they stated that you get extra luck if you use a fishing lure of a level larger than the fish requires. So, if you are using a Rank 2 lure on a Rank 1 fish, you get extra luck.

How do you get Bubba fish in Wizard101? ›

The Bubba fish used in the recipe is an epic fish found in the Shoshun Village, so it is very rare. However, if you have the "Summon Fish" spell, you can just reset until you get one. It is the only balance fish in the pond.

How to catch dragonfly fish in Wizard101? ›

The only thing I can recommend is to use the winnow life lure that you get from the labyrinth. It scares away all but life fish. And to wear anything that gives you fishing luck just to help.

Why can't I catch fish in Wizard101? ›

Make sure that you are using the correct lure for the fish you want to catch. (Don't use a fire lure for an ice fish, or a myth lure for a life fish.) 2. Make sure you are using the correct lure rank for the fish you want to catch.

How do you fish for bass 101? ›

First and foremost, bass love cover. These fish are predators which have to hunt for their food. They have two options: they can swim around and chase bait, suspending at times out in the open water or they can find a piece of cover, settle in and prepare to ambush the first thing that comes by.

How do you catch catfish 101? ›

During the day, look for catfish in muddy water areas, such as a tributary and its outflow. Also good are deep structures, like river bends, the base of drop-offs, deep holes, and humps. Catfish will also hold around cover, like standing timber and deep weed edges. Night brings excellent fishing.

How do you go fishing in Zelda? ›

To fish, Link must rent a fishing rod for 50 Rupees or by exchanging a Fishing Hole Pass. The owner will offer Link the choice of a standard fishing rod, which can catch surface-dwelling fish, or one with a Sinking Lure that can be used to catch fish that dwell deep underwater.


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