Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (2024)

Table of Contents
Fish Types and Locations A Achilles Tang Aero Dwarf Doodlefish Alhazred Doodlefish Angler Doodlefish Anglyosaur Antchovy Apollock Archer Fish Ax-Xolotl B Bacchus Cuda Balancecuda Balance School of Fish Basking in the Sun Shark Be Mine Fish Bear Acuda Bearded Trout Beastman Doodlefish Black Catfish Black Eggshellfish Black Knight Bass Black Squidow Blackberry Jellyfish Blue Armored Guard Blue Eggshellfish Boar Fish Bone Fish Boss Hog Box Jelly Brain Sturgeon Bubba Fish Butterfly Shrimp Butterscotch Doodlefish C Caesarbream Cat Monk Doodlefish Catfish Chameleon Fish Channel Bass Charred Dekoi Chupacarpe Codfather Codpid Cold Cod Corroded Dekoi Crab Doodlefish Cranky Catfish Cuddlefish Cyrus Doodlefish D Dalia Doodlefish Death School of Fish Deathacuda Deep Bee Bass Deer Knight Doodlefish Devil Ray Doliphisaur Doodlefish Doodlefishette Dragon Eel Dragon Fry Dragonfly Fish Dragonling Fish Duckbill Eel Dworgyn Doodlefish Dyvim WhiteHart Doodlefish E Ecto Slime Skate Elephant Fish Elik Silverfist Doodlefish Ember Parrot Errol Fynn Execushiner F Fabled Dekoi Fall Foliage Fish False Catshark Fire School of Fish Firecuda Fish and Chips Fish Sandwich Flying Saucer Fish Flytap Doodlefish Four-Eyed Grouper Frankenfish Freshlava Smelt Frost Dekoi G Gargoyle Garrrfish Ghost Shark Gobblerfish Golden Goose Doodlefish Goldfin-ger Goliath Doodlefish Grape Jellyfish Guard Doodlefish Gullfish Grouper H Hag Fish Halston Doodlefish Hamlet Hammerhead Shark Hard Albacore Hippo Tang Humunukapua I Ice School of Fish Icecuda Ikoirus J Jabber Pollock Jackson Pollock Jaws Jolted Dekoi K Kid Carp Kiliman Copperleaf Doodlefish King Mackerel Krokotopian Eel L Labyrinth Fish Life School of Fish Lifeacuda Lion Fish Little Mackerel Long John Silverfish Lydia Doodlefish M Mainstream Dekoi Mantis Ray Marmalade Jellyfish Mechanical Armorhead Megloteca Merle Doodlefish Micro Fish Minnowtaur Mistletoe Angler Monk Fish Moolinda Doodlefish Morganthe Doodlefish Ms. Pacuman Mud Dekoi Mullet Fish Musushi Myth School of Fish Mythacuda N Nalia Dunestrider Doodlefish Napoleguin Doodlefish Neptuna Nibbler Ninja Fish Ninja Pig Doodlefish O Obese Dragon Fish Oil Drum Ol’Boot Old One Doodlefish Origami Fish Owl-Eyed Pike P Pacal Doodlefish Pacuman Parrot Fish Pharaohmari Pickled Herring Pirahptor Pit Bull Shark Polar Bear Acuda Pompeiino Purple Grunion Q Qismah Doodlefish Quetzacodl R Rainbow Trout Rambowfin Fish Red Armored Guard Red Cap Carp Red Grunion Rhino Fish Rhinobeetle Fish Royal Gurnard Rune Fish S Sam Bass Samurai Fish Satyr Doodlefish Sea Fairy Shamrockfish Sharkspeare Shiner Silver Streak Soul Searcher Spartan Spear Springfish Spyre Eel Steelhead Doodlefish Stegogar Storm School of Fish Stormacuda Strawberry Jellyfish Stubby School Sharks (7) Sturgeon General Sumo Koi Sun Ray Sweet Yellow Grunion Sword Stone Fish Sword Tail T Tattoo Fish Tezcat Threestar Doodlefish Todd Pole Tongue Fish Treantfish Triceratorpedo Trigger Fish Troll Trout Tunasaurus Rex U Undead Spyre Eel V Vampire Squid W Warhammerhead Shark William Walleye Y Yakoi Yarn Squid Yellow Eggshellfish Yuletoy Fish Z Zebra Fish Zeus Doodlefish Have Fun & Happy Fishing! References

Magical fishing is a great way to spend some time in the Spiral. For the collectors out there it may be of interest to collect all the fish available in the different waters of all the magical worlds. Thus, we have put together this list of all obtainable unique fish. Did you find this fish location guide without knowing about magical fishing? Click to read the Magical Fishing Guide to get you started.

Fish Types and Locations

Below you will find the types of Fish we have caught and the locations to find them. We’ve also added how much XP you get for catching them the first time. After the initial catch, XP drops to 1%. So if you catch a fish that gives you 1100 XP the first time, any catches after that will only give 11 XP.

Fish listed alphabetically…



Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (1)

Achilles Tang

  • School: Myth
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1300
  • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (2)

Aero Dwarf Doodlefish

  • School: Storm
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1600
  • Locations: Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (3)

Alhazred Doodlefish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: Balance House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (4)

Angler Doodlefish

  • School: Myth
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: Lightkeeper’s Estate

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (5)


  • School: Myth
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Tierra de Brea (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (6)


  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Initial XP: 1100
  • Locations: Bastion (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (7)


  • School: Life
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (8)

Archer Fish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1300
  • Locations: Ravenwood (WC), Balance House, Sultan’s Palace, Winter Wind Tower, Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (9)


  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Zocalo (AZ)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (10)

Bacchus Cuda

  • School: Myth
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (11)


  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1100
  • Locations: Ravenwood (WC), Olde Town (WC), The Oasis (KT), Entrance Hall (KT), Kembaalung Village (KT), Savarstaad Pass (GH), Shirataki Temple (MS), The Wyrd (AV), Lake Shore (AV), Balance House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (12)

Balance School of Fish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1200
  • Locations: Grand Chasm (DS), Crystal Grove (DS), Forum (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (13)

Basking in the Sun Shark

  • School: Fire
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Seasonal (Summer)
  • Initial XP: 1600
  • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (14)

Be Mine Fish

  • School: Fire
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Seasonal (Valentine’s Day)
  • Initial XP: 1600
  • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (15)

Bear Acuda

  • School: Fire
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Initial XP: 1700
  • Locations: Northguard (GH), Savarstaad Pass (GH), Vigrid Roughland (GH), Mirkholm Keep (GH), Helgrind Warren (GH), Nordrilund (GH)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (16)

Bearded Trout

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1300
  • Locations: Left pond in Entrance Hall (KT), Drum Jungle (ZF), Sultan’s Palace, Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (17)

Beastman Doodlefish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Castaway’s Bungalow

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (18)

Black Catfish

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Seasonal (Halloween)
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: The Commons (WC) and all castles

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (19)

Black Eggshellfish

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Seasonal (Easter)
  • Initial XP: 1600
  • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (20)

Black Knight Bass

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Initial XP: 2000
  • Locations: Dun Dara (AV), Lake Shore (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (21)

Black Squidow

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Initial XP: 2100
  • Locations: Kondha Desert (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (22)

Blackberry Jellyfish

  • School: Ice
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Initial XP: 2000
  • Locations: Shirataki Temple (MS), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (23)

Blue Armored Guard

  • School: Fire
  • Rank: 1 Sentinel
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Initial XP: 1700
  • Locations: District of the Stars (CL), The Floating Land (CL), Stormriven (CL)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (24)

Blue Eggshellfish

  • School: Life
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Seasonal (Easter)
  • Initial XP: 1600
  • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (25)

Boar Fish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1300
  • Locations: Savarstaad Pass (GH), Balance House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (26)

Bone Fish

  • School: Death
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1100
  • Locations: Unicorn Way (WC), Castle Darkmoor (WC), Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Ancient Burial Grounds (MS), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF), Everywhere in GH and AZ, Death House, Darkmoor Manor, Winter Wind Tower, Pyramid of the Lost Horizon, Nomad’s Camp

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (27)

Boss Hog

  • School: Storm
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Initial XP: 1900
  • Locations: Savarstaad Pass (GH), Waterfront (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (28)

Box Jelly

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Lake Shore (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (29)

Brain Sturgeon

  • School: Life
  • Rank: 1
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: Entrance Hall (KT), Life House, Private Fishing Retreat, Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (30)

Bubba Fish

  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Initial XP: 1900
  • Locations: Shoshun Village (MS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (31)

Butterfly Shrimp

  • School: Storm
  • Rank: 3
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Last Wood (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (32)

Butterscotch Doodlefish

  • School: Myth
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Uncommon
  • Initial XP: 1500
  • Locations: Candied Isles Village

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (33)


  • School: Balance
  • Rank: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • Initial XP: 1400
  • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ), Bastion (KR), Silent Market (KR), Moon Cliffs (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (34)

Cat Monk Doodlefish

    • School: Fire
    • Rank: 2
    • Rarity: Common
    • Initial XP: 1400
    • Locations: Catmandu Sanctuary

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (35)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), Waterfront (ZF), Drum Jungle (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (36)

Chameleon Fish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Serpentine Escape, Nomad’s Camp

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (37)

Channel Bass

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Survey Camp (CL), Massive Fantasy Palace, Winter Wind Tower, Fantastic Voyage Expedition Gauntlet, Aero Village, Briny Deep Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (38)

Charred Dekoi

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Castle Darkmoor (WC), Barkingham Palace (MB), Jade Palace (MS), Shoshun Village (MS), Crimson Fields (MS), Everywhere in DS, Cloudburst Forest (AZ), Crescent Beach (KR), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (39)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Mangrove Marsh (AZ), Saltmeadow Swamp (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (40)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Ancient Burial Grounds (MS), Elephant Graveyard (ZF), Death House, Sun Palace, Darkmoor Manor

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (41)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (42)

Cold Cod

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Winter)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (43)

Corroded Dekoi

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Castle Darkmoor (WC), Ancient Burial Grounds (MS), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF), Saltmeadow Swamp (AZ), Kondha Desert (KR), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (44)

Crab Doodlefish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Briny Deep Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (45)

Cranky Catfish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1800
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (46)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Cyclops Lane (WC), Death House, Amber Estate, Castaway’s Bungalow, Battlemage Keep, Darkmoor Manor, Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (47)

Cyrus Doodlefish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Myth House

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (48)

Dalia Doodlefish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Fire House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (49)

Death School of Fish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Plaza of Conquests (DS), Necropolis (DS), Crystal Grove (DS), Forum (DS), Zocalo (AZ), Tierra de Brea (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (50)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Cyclops Lane (WC), Unicorn Way (WC), Entrance Hall (KT), Kembaalung Village (KT), Helgrind Warren (GH), Mirkholm Keep (GH), Nordrilund (GH), Caer Lyon (AV), Lake Shore (AV), Death House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (51)

Deep Bee Bass

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Sardonyx (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (52)

Deer Knight Doodlefish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Outlaw’s Refuge

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (53)

Devil Ray

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2100
      • Locations: Crystal Grove (DS), Forum (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (54)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Floating Mountains (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (55)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Tree of Life (MS), Baobab Crown (ZF), Private Fishing Retreat, Midday Estate, Night Garden

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (56)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Tree of Life (MS), Baobab Crown (ZF), Private Fishing Retreat, Midday Estate, Night Garden

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (57)

Dragon Eel

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Jade Palace (MS), Fire House, Amber Estate, Serpetine Escape, Polarian Shipwreck

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (58)

Dragon Fry

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Crescent Beach (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (59)

Dragonfly Fish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Atheneum (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (60)

Dragonling Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Drake Hatchery (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (61)

Duckbill Eel

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2100
      • Locations: Baobab Market (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (62)

Dworgyn Doodlefish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Death House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (63)

Dyvim WhiteHart Doodlefish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Peppergrass Glen

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (64)

Ecto Slime Skate

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Baobab Crown (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (65)

Elephant Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Elephant Graveyard (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (66)

Elik Silverfist Doodlefish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Meadows at Dusk, Midday Estate, Night Garden

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (67)

Ember Parrot

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Tower Archives (DS), Fire House, Pyramid of the Lost Horizon

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (68)

Errol Fynn

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1800
      • Locations: Ravenwood (WC), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (69)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Castle Darkmoor (WC), Bastion (KR), Silent Market (KR), Moon Cliffs (KR), Last Wood (KR), Crescent Beach (KR), Sardonyx (KR), Kondha Desert (KR)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (70)

Fabled Dekoi

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Upper Zigazag (KT), Shoshun Village (MS), Tree of Life (MS), Floating Mountains (AZ), Sardonyx (KR), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (71)

Fall Foliage Fish

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Fall / Autumn)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (72)

False Catshark

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Celestia Base Camp (CL), Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Sardonyx (KR), Kondha Desert (KR), Fantastic Voyage Expedition Gauntlet, Briny Deep Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (73)

Fire School of Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Atheneum (DS), Tower Archives (DS), Drake Hatchery (DS), Forum (DS), Stormriven (CL), Cenote (AZ), Nordrilund (GH)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (74)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), The Oasis (KT), Jade Palace (MS), Crimson Fields (MS), Everywhere in DS, Stormriven (CL), Northguard (GH), Savarstaad Pass (GH), Vigrid Roughland (GH), Caliburn (AV), The Wild (AV), The Wyrd (AV), Fire House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (75)

Fish and Chips

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Helgrind Warren (GH), Mirkholm Keep (GH), Nordrilund (GH), Everywhere in AV, Zocalo (AZ), Outlaw’s Refuge, Everafter Village, Cadied Isles Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (76)

Fish Sandwich

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Cyclops Lane (WC), Baobab Market (ZF), Myth House, Castaway’s Bungalow, Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (77)

Flying Saucer Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Celestia Base Camp (CL), Survey Camp (CL), District of the Stars (CL), Floating Land (CL), Stormriven (CL)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (78)

Flytap Doodlefish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Botanical Gardens

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (79)

Four-Eyed Grouper

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Barkingham Palace (MB), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (80)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Halloween)
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Unicorn Way (WC)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (81)

Freshlava Smelt

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Forum (DS), Crescent Beach (KR), Pyramid of the Lost Horizon

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (82)

Frost Dekoi

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), Barkingham Palace (MB), Tatakai Outpost (MS), Silent Market (KR), Polarian Shipwreck

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (83)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: Castle Darkmoor (WC), Elephant Graveyard (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (84)


      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Olde Town (WC), Triton Avenue (WC), Cyclops Lane (WC), Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Helgrind Warren (GH), Cenote (AZ), Ice House, Polarian Shipwreck, Outlaw’s Refuge, Everafter Village, Candied Isles Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (85)

Ghost Shark

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Darkmoor Manor

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (86)


      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (W101’s Birthday)
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Wizard City Ponds and all castles

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (87)

Golden Goose Doodlefish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Everafter Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (88)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: West Pond in Jade Palace (MS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (89)

Goliath Doodlefish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Amber Estate

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (90)

Grape Jellyfish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Tatakai Outpost (MS), Crimson Fields (MS), Ancient Burial Grounds (MS), Village of Sorrow (MS), Tree of Life (MS), Everywhere in AV, Three Points (AZ), Bastion (KR), Moon Cliffs (KR), Last Wood (KR), Crescent Beach (KR), Sardonyx (KR), Kondha Desert (KR), Storm House, Botanical Gardens, Battlemage Keep, Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (91)

Guard Doodlefish

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Battlemage Keep

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (92)

Gullfish Grouper

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Triton Avenue (WC), Baobab Market (ZF), Storm House, Sultan’s Palace, Castaway’s Bungalow, Battlemage Keep, Aero Village

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (93)

Hag Fish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Wyrd (AV), Dun Dara (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (94)

Halston Doodlefish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Storm House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (95)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Dun Dara (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (96)

Hammerhead Shark

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Upper Zigazag (KT), Three Points (AZ), Balance House, Massive Fantasy Palace, Private Fishing Retreat, Castaway’s Bungalow

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (97)

Hard Albacore

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Plaza of Conquests (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (98)

Hippo Tang

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1800
      • Locations: Waterfront (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (99)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Floating Land (CL), Fantastic Voyage Expedition Gauntlet, Briny Deep Retreat

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (100)

Ice School of Fish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Atheneum (DS), Tower Archives (DS), Grand Chasm (DS), Plaza of Conquests (DS), District of the Stars (CL), Cloudburst Forest (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (101)


      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), Unicorn Way (WC), Ravenwood (WC), Olde Town (WC), Kembaalung Village (KT), Tatakai Outpost (MS), District of the Stars (CL), High Road (AV), Dun Dara (AV), Ice House, Polarian Shipwreck

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (102)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (103)

Jabber Pollock

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Poisoned Well in High Road (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (104)

Jackson Pollock

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Upper Zigazag (KT), Village of Sorrow (MS), Botanical Gardens, Outlaw’s Refuge, Everafter Village, Candied Isles Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (105)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2100
      • Locations: Stormriven (CL)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (106)

Jolted Dekoi

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Castle Darkmoor (WC), Barkingham Palace (MB), Kishibe Village (MS), Shirataki Temple (MS), Last Wood (KT)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (107)

Kid Carp

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Kembaalung Village (KT)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (108)

Kiliman Copperleaf Doodlefish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Sun Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (109)

King Mackerel

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (110)

Krokotopian Eel

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Oasis (KT), Entrance Hall (KT), Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Upper Zigazag (KT)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (111)

Labyrinth Fish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Labyrinth (DS), Pyramid of the Lost Horizon

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (112)

Life School of Fish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Atheneum (DS), Crystal Grove (DS), Floating Land (CL), Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Mangrove Marsh (AZ), Saltmeadow Swamp (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (113)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Unicorn Way (WC), Entrance Hall (KT), Kishibe Village (MS), Village of Sorrow (MS), Northguard (GH), Floating Land (CL), Caer Lyon (AV), Moon Cliffs (KR), Life House, Botanical Gardens

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (114)

Lion Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: Everywhere in ZF

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (115)

Little Mackerel

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2100
      • Locations: District of the Stars (CL), Bastion (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (116)

Long John Silverfish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Silent Market (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (117)

Lydia Doodlefish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Ice House

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (118)

Mainstream Dekoi

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Everywhere in WC, KT, DS, CL, AV, Barkingham Palace (MB), Shirataki Temple (MS), Bastion (KR), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (119)

Mantis Ray

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Moon Cliffs (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (120)

Marmalade Jellyfish

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Shirataki Temple (MS), Bastion (KR), Last Wood (KR), Crescent Beach (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (121)

Mechanical Armorhead

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Ravenwood (WC), Cyclops Lane (WC), Emperor’s Retreat (KT), Jade Palace (MS), Crimson Fields (MS), Mangrove Marsh (AZ), Storm House, Battlemage Keep

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (122)


      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Three Points (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (123)

Merle Doodlefish

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Massive Fantasy Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (124)

Micro Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Fantastic Voyage Expedition Gauntlet

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (125)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (126)

Mistletoe Angler

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Christmas)
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (127)

Monk Fish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Mysterious Well in Outer Yard (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (128)

Moolinda Doodlefish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Life House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (129)

Morganthe Doodlefish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Darkmoor Manor

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (130)

Ms. Pacuman

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Baobab Market (ZF), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF), Waterfront (ZF), Drum Jungle (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (131)

Mud Dekoi

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 900
      • Locations: Upper Zigazag (KT), Kishibe Village (MS), Ancient Burial Grounds (MS), Village of Sorrow (MS), Tierra de Brea (AZ), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (132)

Mullet Fish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Shoshun Village (MS), Sardonyx (KR), Kondha Deser (KR), Myth House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (133)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: Crimson Fields (MS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (134)

Myth School of Fish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Crucible (DS), Labyrinth (DS), Celestia Base Camp (CL), Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Mangrove Marsh (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (135)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Cyclops Lane (WC), Kembaalung Village (KT), Shoshun Village (MS), Tree of Life (MS), Vigrid Roughland (GH), Celestia Base Camp (CL), Caer Lyon (AV), Myth House

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (136)

Nalia Dunestrider Doodlefish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Sultan’s Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (137)

Napoleguin Doodlefish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Polarian Shipwreck

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (138)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (139)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Celestia Base Camp (CL), Survey Camp (CL), District of the Stars (CL), Floating Land (CL), Stormriven (CL)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (140)

Ninja Fish

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Tatakai Outpost (MS), Kembaalung Village (KT), Ice House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (141)

Ninja Pig Doodlefish

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Heavenly Palace

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (142)

Obese Dragon Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Caliburn (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (143)

Oil Drum

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Stormriven (CL), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (144)


      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (April Fools)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (145)

Old One Doodlefish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Sky City Estates

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (146)

Origami Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Everywhere in MS

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (147)

Owl-Eyed Pike

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons (WC), Unicorn Way (WC), Ravenwood (WC), Olde Town (WC), Triton Avenue (WC), Cyclops Lane (WC)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (148)

Pacal Doodlefish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Pyramid of the Lost Horizon

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (149)


      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Baobab Market (ZF), Zamunda Outskirts (ZF), Waterfront (ZF), Drum Jungle (ZF), Elephant Graveyard (ZF), Silent Market (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (150)

Parrot Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Cloudburst Forest (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (151)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Upper Zigazag (KT), Nomad’s Camp

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (152)

Pickled Herring

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Crystal Grove (DS), Baobab Market (ZF), Silent Market (KR), Moon Cliffs (KR), Last Wood (KR), Crescent Beach (KR), Winter Wind Tower, Serpentine Escape

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (153)


      • School: Death
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Mangrove Marsh (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (154)

Pit Bull Shark

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Barkingham Palace (MB)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (155)

Polar Bear Acuda

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Vigrid Roughland (GH)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (156)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (157)

Purple Grunion

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Drake Hatchery (DS), Last Wood (KR)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (158)

Qismah Doodlefish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Nomad’s Camp

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (159)


      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Cloudburst Forest (AZ)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (160)

Rainbow Trout

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (161)

Rambowfin Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Necropolis (DS), Drake Hatchery (DS), Crucible (DS), Labyrinth (DS), Crystal Grove (DS), Forum (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (162)

Red Armored Guard

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Everywhere in DS

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (163)

Red Cap Carp

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Caer Lyon (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (164)

Red Grunion

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Nordrilund (GH)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (165)

Rhino Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2500
      • Locations: Baobab Crossroads (ZF), Baobab Crown (ZF), Waterfront (ZF), Drum Jungle (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (166)

Rhinobeetle Fish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2 Sentinel
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Everywhere in KR

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (167)

Royal Gurnard

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Barkingham Palace (MB)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (168)

Rune Fish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: Mirkholm Keep (GH)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (169)

Sam Bass

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Grand Chasm (DS), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (170)

Samurai Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Crimson Fields (MS), Castle Darkmoor

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (171)

Satyr Doodlefish

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Winter Wind Tower

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (172)

Sea Fairy

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: High Road (AV), The Wyrd (AV), Moon Cliffs (KR), Sardonyx (KR)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (173)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (St Patrick’s Day)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (174)


      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Olde Town (WC), Ice House, The Acropolis, Heavenly Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (175)


      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: District of the Stars (Celestia), Silent Market (KR), Fantastic Voyage Expedition Gauntlet, Briny Deep Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (176)

Silver Streak

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 1900
      • Locations: Emperor’s Retreat (KT) – super fast fish

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (177)

Soul Searcher

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Necropolis (DS), Elephant Graveyard (ZF), Massive Fantasy Palace, The Acropolis, Heavenly Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (178)

Spartan Spear

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Garden of Hesperides (AQ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (179)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Spring)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (180)

Spyre Eel

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1800
      • Locations: Atheneum (DS), Tower Archives (DS), Plaza of Conquests (DS), Necropolis (DS), Drake Hatchery (DS), Crucible (DS), Crystal Grove (DS), Forum (DS)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (181)

Steelhead Doodlefish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Blacksmith’s Fjord

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (182)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Zocalo (AZ), Three Points (AZ), Cenote (AZ), Mangrove Marsh (AZ), Saltmeadow Swamp (AZ), Cloudburst Forest (AZ), Tierra de Brea (AZ), Floating Mountains (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (183)

Storm School of Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1200
      • Locations: Crucible (DS), Drake Hatchery (DS), Labyrinth (DS), Necropolis (DS), Celestia Base Camp (CL), Survey Camp (CL), District of the Stars (CL), The Floating Land (CL), Stormriven (CL), Floating Mountains (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (184)


      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1100
      • Locations: Triton Avenue (WC), Jade Palace (MS), Shoshun Village (MS), Kishibe Village (MS), Shirataki Temple (MS), Survey Camp (CL), Poisoned Well (AV), Mysterious Well (AV), Storm House

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (185)

Strawberry Jellyfish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Oasis (KT), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (186)

Stubby School Sharks (7)

      • School: Balance / Death / Fire / Ice / Life / Myth / Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Seasonal (W101 Birthday & Shark Week)
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and specific school castles e.g. Fire House for Fire fish

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (187)

Sturgeon General

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Entrance Hall (KT), Private Fishing Retreat

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (188)

Sumo Koi

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Kishibe Village (MS), Life House, Sun Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (189)

Sun Ray

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Helgrind Warren (GH), Fire House, Amber Estate, Sun Palace, Sultan’s Palace, Seprentine Escape, Nomad’s Camp

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (190)

Sweet Yellow Grunion

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Crucible (DS), Sun Palace, Botanical Gardens

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (191)

Sword Stone Fish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Rare
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Caliburn (AV), High Road (AV), Poisoned Well in High Road (AV), Caer Lyon (AV), The Wild (AV), The Wyrd (AV), Dun Dara (AV), Mysterious Well in Outer Yard (AV), Lake Shore (AV)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (192)

Sword Tail

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Caliburn (AV), High Road (AV), Poisoned Well in High Road (AV), Caer Lyon (AV), The Wild (AV), The Wyrd (AV), Dun Dara (AV), Mysterious Well in Outer Yard (AV), Lake Shore (AV), Bastion (KR), Moon Cliffs (KR), Last Wood (KR), Crescent Beach (KR), Sardonyx (KR), Kondha Desert (KR)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (193)

Tattoo Fish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Mirkholm Keep (GH), Baobab Market (ZF), Waterfront (ZF), Meadows at Dusk, Midday Estate, Night Garden, Everafter Village, Outlaw’s Refuge, Amber Estate, Darkmoor Manor, Candied Isles Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (194)

Tezcat Threestar Doodlefish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Serpentine Escape

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (195)

Todd Pole

      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: Northguard (GH), Massive Fantasy Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (196)

Tongue Fish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1500
      • Locations: Vigrid Roughland (GH), Meadows at Dusk, Midday Estate, Night Garden

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (197)


      • School: Life
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Unicorn Way (WC), Baobab Crown (ZF), Life House, The Acropolis, Heavenly Palace

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (198)


      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Cenote (AZ)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (199)

Trigger Fish

      • School: Fire
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Grand Chasm (DS), Elephant Graveyard (ZF), Waterfront (ZF), Aero Village

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (200)

Troll Trout

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Vigrid Roughland (GH), Myth House, The Acropolis

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (201)

Tunasaurus Rex

      • School: Ice
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: Saltmeadow Swamp (AZ)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (202)

Undead Spyre Eel

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Epic
      • Initial XP: 2000
      • Locations: The Forum (DS)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (203)

Vampire Squid

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Epic Seasonal (Halloween)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Cyclops Lane (WC), Entrance Hall (KT)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (204)

Warhammerhead Shark

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Shark Week)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: Triton Avenue (WC), Northguard (GH), Mirkholm Keep (GH), Helgrind Warren (GH), Boiling Fields in Vigrid Roughland (GH)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (205)

William Walleye

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: High Road (AV)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (206)


      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1300
      • Locations: Kembaalung Village (KT)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (207)

Yarn Squid

      • School: Balance
      • Rank: 3
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1800
      • Locations: Zamunda Outskirts (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (208)

Yellow Eggshellfish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Easter)
      • Initial XP: 1600
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (209)

Yuletoy Fish

      • School: Myth
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Seasonal (Christmas)
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations: The Commons of WC, KT, AV, AQ, GH, MS and ZF and all castles.

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (210)

Zebra Fish

      • School: Death
      • Rank: 1
      • Rarity: Uncommon
      • Initial XP: 1700
      • Locations: Baobab Crossroads (ZF)

Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (211)

Zeus Doodlefish

      • School: Storm
      • Rank: 2
      • Rarity: Common
      • Initial XP: 1400
      • Locations:The Acropolis

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We will continue our fishing and will update this post when needed. Stay with us! If you were lucky and caught a fish that we don’t have uploaded here, feel free to post in the comments along with the XP you receive from it.

Have Fun & Happy Fishing!

  • Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (212)
  • Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (213)
  • Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (214)
  • Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (215)
  • Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (216)

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Complete Fish Location Guide - Final Bastion (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.